Challenges of Targeting Business Ambitions with Safety Culture Outlook for Corporates


  •  Harbans Lal Kaila Director, Forum of Behavioural Safety, Mumbai - 400606, Maharashtra



Business, Corporates, Culture, Hurdles, Safety, Solutions


Employees go home safely daily and return to their jobs safely every day, that’s a big result of the safety culture at the workplace. Risks can negatively affect not only internal processes within a company but also business results. Any mistake in managing at-risk behaviours can increase the company’s struggle to save business. Successful leaders in 2024 will be those who truly understand employee ambitions. Understanding the core principles of positive safety culture as a behavioural science intervention, the director of operations responded that he would convince his board of directors in this direction, and be very supportive to all plants for the resources required in terms of manpower, finance or infrastructure etc. This paper explored reflections on the hurdles and solutions in the Indian corporate safety culture in the context of fulfilling business ambitions and achievements. The sample included 12 site locations and interactions with 320 managers and 236 contractor staff across Indian locations. Implications and recommendations are discussed using in-depth qualitative data. Major safety hurdles are a Lack of understanding of the risks and their impacts at all levels; Lack of decision-making and its delivery at the managerial levels; Managers at all levels not present in the field rounds; Safety culture is not a personal life practice; Managers plan activities without adequate safety procedures; They hurry up completion of work; Managers think that safety implementation is too long an approach and costly, so they shun it; Safety culture not reaching till the last person; Organisational dedicated mentors are inadequate; Manpower lacks hand-holding in safety culture; and Corporate communication managers are not active in propagating safety culture. Yet it is long-lasting to face challenges of targeting business ambitions with a safety culture outlook.


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Author Biography

Harbans Lal Kaila, Director, Forum of Behavioural Safety, Mumbai - 400606, Maharashtra





How to Cite

Kaila, H. L. Challenges of Targeting Business Ambitions With Safety Culture Outlook for Corporates. samvad 2024, 28, 07-14.





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