Exploring Global Standards of Safety Culture for Manpower and Business Perspectives


  •  Harbans Lal Professor of Psychology (Retd), SNDT Women’s University, Director - Forum of Behavioral Safety, Mumbai - 400020, Maharashtra




Business, Global Standards, Manpower, Safety Culture


It would be much better, economical, and easier to develop global standards of safety culture for manpower and business perspectives, than having an incident without a resilient strong culture, and get questioned for years on by the courts, media, public, politician and so on. This paper explored global standards of safety culture for manpower and business perspectives. Based on a longitudinal action survey, literature reviews, the field visits to nearly 75 project site locations in India in the year 2022-23 and interactions with a sample of 400 managers brought out the qualitative data categorized into five themes. Action plan to implement global standards of safety culture is suggested as follows: Safety professionals should consider evaluating their individual capacity, and that of the institutions for promoting safety culture, Work on corporate safety mindset as much as safety culture behaviors; Measuring roles of management leadership in sustaining safety culture; Safety culture to be a safety management practice more than as a safety leadership tool; Practice ethics of safety and risk science; Benchmarking in terms of behaviouralization of safety systems; Equality of respect for lowest level workers in terms of cultural safety; Safety culture to be built on safety science as well the risk science; Build positive safety culture as well as positive organization; and Safety culture to be an essential part of business strategic goal. Finally, the global standards are available, what is lacking is “awareness and implementation of the standards†including integrity, ethical values, and actions of all concerned and all involved in the bringing up the safety culture.


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How to Cite

Lal, H. Exploring Global Standards of Safety Culture for Manpower and Business Perspectives. samvad 2023, 27, 52-59.





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