Empirical Examination of Relationship between Organizational Culture and Employee Competence: An Insight


  •  Mihir Joshi Faculty of Management Studies, Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar − 249404, Uttarakhand
  •  Vinod Kumar Singh Faculty of Management Studies, Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar − 249404, Uttarakhand
  •  Naman Sharma Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Bhat Village − 382428, Gandhinagar District, Ahmedabad, Gujarat




Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Educational Institutions, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Individual Competence, Organizational Culture


In order to enhance and improvise the individual competence it is necessary to understand the organizational culture of educational institutions besides giving growth opportunities to employees. Culture becomes an essential aspect for an individual as it’s an ever changing process and there is no fix culture in any organization. The primary objective of this research is to study and analyze the influence of organizational culture on individual competence in Indian settings. A survey was conducted on 200 faculty members through a self-established instrument whose validity was tested using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis for scale purification in the selected educational institutions established in remote locations of a hilly state in India that have not been explored for such studies so, it is an exploratory study. The study reveals that there is a significant impact of organizational culture on individual competence in educational institutions.


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Author Biography

Vinod Kumar Singh, Faculty of Management Studies, Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar − 249404, Uttarakhand

Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, GurukulaKangri University, India




How to Cite

Joshi, M.; Singh, V. K.; Sharma, N. Empirical Examination of Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Employee Competence: An Insight. samvad 2018, 16, 25-36.





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