Discount Pricing in Soft Drink Industry: a Study of Leading Soft Drink Company


  •  Sudhir Rajguru International Institute of Management Studies, Pune



Discount Pricing, High Value Outlets, Retail Discounting, Soft Drink Industry.


This paper is based on the study of various factors which influence the amount of discount to be given to the retail outlets to increase loyalty and gain monopoly in the market. This discount is different from the normal discount given to the customers rather this discount is the discount given to the High Value Outlets (HVO’s) by leading market players. This paper considers the influence of various marketing and demographic factors on the amount of discount to be given to the retail outlets. Factor analysis is used to analyze the data taken on a random basis. This study tries to reflect the influence of various factors like brand recognition, availability, competitors and location. This study will help companies to select effective models for targeting retail outlets with an aim to gain their loyalty.


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How to Cite

Rajguru, S. Discount Pricing in Soft Drink Industry: A Study of Leading Soft Drink Company. samvad 2015, 10, 73-77.





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