Trends of Online News in <i>Facebook</i>


  •  Santosh Kumar Biswal Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune
  •  Uttam Chakraborty Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune



<i>Facebook</i>, Online News, Gatekeeping, Participation.


With the advent of social media especially Facebook, news has been redefined. Audiences like commenting and sharing news in the virtual reality. The discourse of democratization of news, citizen journalism and virtual community identity has been the order of the day. Political economy of media and participatory news culture has been the dominant narratives in online news posts in social media. This paper attempts to unravel the space of news posts in Facebook in the light of gatekeeping, political economy of media, community identity and newer relationship among the audiences in the virtual reality


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Author Biographies

Santosh Kumar Biswal, Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune

Santosh Kumar Biswal is Assistant Professor with Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune. Earlier he has worked with Andhra Loyola College (Autonomous), Vijayawada and Hindustan Times, New Delhi. His research interests include digital media, journalism and development communication.    

Uttam Chakraborty, Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune

Uttam Chakraborty has done Ph.D. from National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK). He is Assistant Professor with Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Pune. He has published scholarly articles in reputed journals like, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Journal of Promotion Management.




How to Cite

Biswal, S. K.; Chakraborty, U. Trends of Online News in <i>Facebook< I>. samvad 2019, 18, 79-83.


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