A Critical Analysis on Women Participation in Modern-Day Indian Politics


  •  Amit Kumar Institute of Business Management, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
  •  Somesh Dhamija Institute of Business Management, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
  •  Aruna Dhamija Institute of Business Management, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh




Election, Women Participation, Women Representation.


Women participation in politics has always been an issue concerning modern-day political experts. Traditionally, they played second-fiddle to their male counterparts for no faults of theirs. Even the most-advanced nation, the oldest democracy of the world, namely United States of America (USA), recognized their right to vote after lots of struggle. It is yet to have its first lady President (though it may change in the upcoming Presidential Election of 2016 what with Hillary Clinton claiming the nomination of the Dems). The reason for the same is not very hard to fathom despite the advances made in almost every field. The scenario is similar across every nation in the world. India is no different to the same. Political activities and their relationship with women's participation is something which has not been discussed to great extent in the Indian context, much like other democracies. The general election of 2014 defied this to an extent and acted as a breaking ground for women participation. They registered their presence in line with the male voters. The authors of this research paper would present their finding in this regard, duly supported by secondary data.


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How to Cite

Kumar, A.; Dhamija, S.; Dhamija, A. A Critical Analysis on Women Participation in Modern-Day Indian Politics. samvad 2016, 12, 1-8.





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