Net Promoter Score - An Evaluation of Top Companies in On-line Retailing in India


  •  R. Sugant Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara (SDM) Institute for Management Development, Siddhartha Layout, Mysuru – 570011, Karnataka



Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Net Promoter Score (NPS), On-Line Ecommerce, On-Line Retailing.


A major tool that is used to measure the customer satisfaction and loyalty in organisation is “Net Promoter Score (NPS)â€, which tends to assess the loyalty through one question “On a scale of zero-to-ten, how likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or colleagueâ€? Based on the ratings given by the above questions, NPS classifies customers into three types-promoters, passives and detractors. NPS score is defined as "%promoters - %detractors". NPS as a tool is also being used by several Indian companies across the spectrum to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, the data regarding the same is not publicly available for customers to make an informed decision. This research aims at bridging this gap by assessing NPS with regard to on-line retailing in India.


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How to Cite

Sugant, R. Net Promoter Score - An Evaluation of Top Companies in On-Line Retailing in India. samvad 2020, 20, 14-27.





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