Antecedents of Individuals Financial Well-Being – A Systematic Review and Conceptual Model


  •  Nelson K. Macwan Faculty of Management, Ganpat University, Kherva – 384012, Gujarat
  •  Kiran J. Patel Faculty of Management, Ganpat University, Kherva – 384012, Gujarat



Conceptual Model, Financial Wellbeing, Systematic Review


The study of financial well-being has attracted attention in recent years, and many scholarly articles have studied antecedents of financial well-being. With this background, research has been started. The study aims to carry out a systematic literature review of an individual’s financial well-being. We have categorized the precursors of financial well-being studied: socioeconomic and demographic factors, financial literacy, financial behaviour, financial socialization, psychological aspects, and financial attitude. Further research directions are recommended based on literature gaps. The theoretical contribution of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the factors affecting financial well-being. This study helps society; in general, understand the practical and social aspects that contribute to individual financial well-being.


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Author Biography

Nelson K. Macwan, Faculty of Management, Ganpat University, Kherva – 384012, Gujarat




How to Cite

Macwan, N. K.; Patel, K. J. Antecedents of Individuals Financial Well-Being – A Systematic Review and Conceptual Model. samvad 2023, 27, 96-104.





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