Governance and Poverty Reduction in the South Asian Countries: A Perspective from Management Education


  •  Gurcharan Singh Professor, School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab
  •  Kanwarvir Singh Khaira Research Scholar, School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab



Governance, Internationalization, Poverty Reduction, South Asian Countries


In today’s challenging era, the developing countries contribute mostly towards the world economy. The focus of the paper is to explore the cross-national differences among the south Asian nations in order to examine the association of governance indicators to educational reforms indicators. The data is collected from World Bank website and Regression technique is used for the study. The examination discoveries demonstrate that the administration pointers-political solidness and nonappearance of brutality/fear-based oppression, administrative quality, lead of law and control of defilement contribute for the most part towards the internationalization of administration organizations, which additionally help to advance the administration instruction of South Asian nations in contrast with the worldwide benchmarks. For a decent execution of instruction regarding administration and innovation, the administration expected to assume a critical part to manage harmony amongst greatness, the administration expected to assume a critical part to manage harmony amongst greatness and value. Genuine participation in educational programs improvement, readiness of instructional material, execution of inventive practices, utilization of new advancements and advancement of community oriented research are necessities of the time.


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How to Cite

Singh, G.; Khaira, K. S. Governance and Poverty Reduction in the South Asian Countries: A Perspective from Management Education. samvad 2018, 16, 53-62.





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