Impact of Resources in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation Process on Users’ Performance


  •  Bharti Motwani Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore
  •  R. K. Sharma Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore



ERP Implementation, Hardware, Performance, Project Management.


ERP is latest software meant for improving the business on the whole and its implementation methodologies are in the developing stage. ERP implementation involves amendments in business process and software configuration for better compatibility. Besides, ERP systems is not as much a technological exercise as it is an organizational revolution since it interacts with actors (users) of the organization. Hence, this study was undertaken that focuses on understanding the effect of different resources during ERP implementation on user performance. Data was collected from 67 manufacturing organizations that fulfilled the above criteria's and the sample of the study constituted of 750 individuals working in these manufacturing companies. Structural Equation Modeling through PLS software was used for the analysis. The study found that project management and hardware resources used during ERP implementation affect the employee performance of an organization.


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How to Cite

Motwani, B.; Sharma, R. K. Impact of Resources in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation Process on Users’ Performance. samvad 2016, 11, 48-58.





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