A Conceptual Study on the Effectiveness of Logos and their Impact on Buyer Behavior


  •  Venkatesh Ganapathy Associate Professor (Marketing), Presidency Business School, Bangalore − 560064, Karnataka




Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Brand Reputation, Buyer Behavior, Colors, Emotions, Logos.


Logos have played an important role in brand building efforts. Thus, the primary research problem in this effort is to understand if logos are effective in the digital business ecosystem today and if they are effective, how do they manifest in influencing consumer behavior? As an integral component of a brand, a logo represents the visual identity of a brand. To attract attention and create differentiation in a competitive market, companies have to understand the factors that are crucial in designing a logo. Color psychology is being deployed to design a logo that is effective in increasing brand awareness and strengthening brand equity. Massive investments in designing a logo necessitate a need for devoting greater attention to it. Changing a logo is a sensitive issue and firms have to approach attempts to change the logo with abundant tact and caution. Logos enable a firm to demonstrate its values in a visual manner. Along with other elements of a brand, a logo can create a cumulative positive impact that will forge an emotional bond with customers which in turn will positively influence the purchasing decision and breed customer loyalty.


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Author Biography

Venkatesh Ganapathy, Associate Professor (Marketing), Presidency Business School, Bangalore − 560064, Karnataka

Associate Profesor (Marketing)

Presidency Business School,





How to Cite

Ganapathy, V. A Conceptual Study on the Effectiveness of Logos and Their Impact on Buyer Behavior. samvad 2019, 19, 55-66.





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